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New Distracted Driving Statistics: More Drivers than Ever Surfing the Web Behind the Wheel

Trusted Content
Legally reviewed by:
Erik Abrahamson
December 2, 2013
December 2, 2013 | Personal Injury

distracted driving studyAccording to a new study from State Farm, 24% of drivers admit to having used their mobile devices to surf the internet while they were driving. That figure is up from 13% in 2009 and includes drivers of all ages.

About the State Farm Study

State Farm’s Annual Distracted Driving Study includes results from a 2013 survey of some 1000 drivers who answered a variety of questions about how they interact with their mobile devices behind the wheel.

The insurance company has conducted the study annually for the past several years, resulting in some disturbing findings about distracted driving as more people than ever adopt the use of smartphones into their daily lives.

Authors of the study point out that most drivers are aware of the dangers of texting while driving. Part of the trouble lies in the fact that many people may not realize how dangerous it is to be distracted by their devices in other ways while they’re driving.

More Distracted Driving Statistics from the Study

  • More drivers than ever now own smartphones, especially when it comes to middle-aged drivers. 82% of drivers aged 40 to 49 reported owning a smartphone in 2013, up from
  • 47% in 2011.
  • More drivers are using hands-free devices to talk on their phones behind the wheel than in previous years.
  • Slightly less younger drivers aged 18 to 29 admit to texting while driving, with percentages down to 69% in 2013 from 71% in 2011.
  • 54% of drivers 18 to 29 access the internet from their phone while driving, while 40% of drivers in this age bracket access social media behind the wheel.

What Can Be Done to Address Distracted Driving Epidemic?

Most people in the traffic safety community agree that driver education needs to be at the center of efforts to reduce the number of people who use mobile devices behind the wheel.

At present, the majority of the research done on distracted driving, as well as the legislative efforts aimed at addressing it, have been focused exclusively on texting while driving. While the dangers of texting while driving are indeed high, distracted driving statistics like those provided by the State Farm study show that texting while driving is only part of the problem.

Have You or a Loved One Been Seriously Hurt by a Distracted Driver? Call Our Injury Law Team Today!

It only takes a moment of distraction behind the wheel to cause an accident that can devastating consequences. If you or someone you love has been seriously injured by a distracted driver, our Tampa car accident lawyers may be able to help. Call Abrahamson & Uiterwyk today at 1-800-538-4878 for a free case evaluation.

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