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Rollover Accidents

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Legally reviewed by:
Erik Abrahamson
March 18, 2019
March 18, 2019 | Car Accidents
Rollover Accidents

Rollover accidents are some of the most dangerous and scariest motor vehicle accidents. A rollover accident occurs when a vehicle tips over onto its side or roof. Rollover accidents account for nearly 35% of all fatalities in traffic accidents. Many rollover accidents involve vehicles with higher centers of gravity such as SUVs, but they can occur with any vehicle. A rollover accident can leave a victim with serious, life-threatening injuries. 

Factors in Rollover Accidents

There are a number of different factors that can lead to a rollover accident. Some common causes include:

  • Turns—when a vehicle moving at a high rate of speed attempts to turn, it can result in the vehicle flipping and rolling over
  • Ramps—when one side of a vehicle climbs up an incline, it can lead to a rollover
  • Slips—when a vehicle, often off-road or in rainy conditions, loses traction it can slip and roll
  • Spins—when a vehicle’s wheels hit an object it can force the vehicle to spin and roll
  • Side impact—when a vehicle is hit by another vehicle on the side it can cause the vehicle to flip over onto its side or roof

Rollover accidents can result from driver negligence, a defective vehicle, or dangerous roadways. 

Dangers of Rollover Accidents

Rollover accidents can be especially dangerous for passengers and drivers who aren’t wearing seatbelts. Florida law requires the use of seatbelts by drivers and passengers at all times. Most individuals who die in rollover crashes were not wearing their seatbelts. During an accident, a passenger without a seatbelt can be tossed around the vehicle or even ejected. Being ejected from a vehicle can lead to serious spinal cord or traumatic brain injuries

Rollover accidents can also result in the roof of a vehicle being crushed. This can lead to serious spine, neck, and head injuries. One study estimated a 64% increase in the likelihood of a life-threatening injury for every 10 cm that a roof is crushed. Vehicles are required to have strong roofs to prevent cave-ins, but this is not always enough.

Contact an Experienced Car Accident Attorney

If you’ve been injured in a rollover accident, you need an experienced car accident attorney. At Abrahamson & Uiterwyk, we have over 30 years of experience helping Floridians injured in accidents. Contact us online or call us at 1-800-538-4878 to set up your free consultation today.

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