Recent Florida Motorcycle Accident Statistics

Motorcycle Accident Recent Statistics Florida

Cruising up and down Florida’s sunny coasts is a fantastic pastime for motorcyclists and one that is quite popular among Florida motorists. In the state of Florida, there were 1,373,517 drivers holding a motorcycle endorsement on their license in 2021. Unfortunately, motorcycles are some of the most dangerous vehicles on the road to operate due to the lack of protection. Not only do motorcycles not have the standard safety features cars and trucks have such as airbags, but motorcycles are also easier to miss by other motorists due to their smaller size.

If you have been injured in a motorcycle accident it is best to speak with an experienced motorcycle injury lawyer. Many times the other driver is at fault and there is a right to compensation to help cover the medical costs and damages associated with the accident. Here at Abrahamson & Uiterwyk, we have helped countless individuals who have been negatively impacted by a motorcycle accident. Contact our office to book your free motorcycle accident case evaluation today and learn more about personal injury settlements.

Sources: FLHSMV 1

Understanding motorcycle laws as well as the crash information and statistics about motorcycle accidents in Florida can help lawmakers and those responsible for the roads come up with solutions to try to lessen the number of accidents that happen on Florida roads involving motorcycles. Motorcycle accidents only make up roughly 2% of the vehicle-related accidents in Florida but they account for nearly 17% of all vehicle fatalities, a little higher than the national average of 14%. And they lead to over 7,000 serious injuries a year. Below we share a number of motorcycle crash statistics.

*Stats have been created for most current year data is available.

Sources: FLHSMV 2

Florida Motorcycle Crashes, Fatalities, and Injuries 2017-2021

Motorcycle accidents are a serious concern in Florida. As shown on the graph below, crashes overall had been trending downward from 2017-2019 going from 9707 to 8045, but unfortunately rose again in 2021 to 8649 motorcycle accidents in Florida. This number is still better than the crash statistics of 2019 and years previous. In the last five years motorcycle fatalities have steadily risen every year going from 515 in 2017 to 621 in 2021.

Florida motorcycle accident statistics 2017-2021

Of the motorcycle deaths that occurred in 2021 95% were the driver, whereas only 5% were the passenger of the vehicle. 


Sources: FLHSMV 3

Statistics For Common Factors In Motorcycle Accidents in Florida

People who regularly drive motorcycles may be interested to learn the most dangerous time of day to operate a motorcycle and which month of the year the most accidents occur in the state of Florida. As shown on the graph below, by far the most motorcycle accidents happen during daylight hours at 57% when most vehicles are on the road. Accidents in the dark come up second at 37% when visibility can be an issue.

Florida Motorcycle Accident Fatalities by Time of Day in 2021

As seen in the graph below, the month of March is the most dangerous time for motorcycle drivers in Florida with 61 motorcycle accident deaths, almost double the fatality count of August of 38. With spring break, March is a busy time of year in Florida, compared with the colder winter months and the lack of humidity of the hotter spring and summer months. The typically beautiful weather in March means there are many more motorcyclists on the road.

Sources: NHTSA 1

Florida Motorcycle Accident Injuries & Fatalities By Month 2015-2020

Motorcycle Accidents & Helmet Usage Statistics 2021

Everyone knows that helmets save lives. When operating a motorcycle, it is highly recommended that they wear a US DOT-compliant helmet every time they ride. In 2021 the number of motorcycle fatalities occurring for individuals wearing a helmet versus not wearing a helmet was almost split evenly at 48% and 50% respectively, with unknown helmet status making up the last 2%. 


Motorcyclists and Alcohol Usage 2020

Another interesting motorcycle accident statistic to look at is that of motorcycle-related deaths that involved alcohol. Motorcycles are powerful machines that require deep focus to operate safely. Alcohol can quickly impair the reaction times and reflexes necessary to drive a motorcycle properly. In 2020 of the 564 motorcycle deaths that occurred 41% involved individuals who had a BAC or blood alcohol concentration level above the legal limit of 0.08.


Sources: NHTSA 2

Contact A Motorcycle Accident Attorney Near You

If you have been injured in a motorcycle accident caused by the negligence of someone else, it is important to speak with a motorcycle injury attorney near you. They will go over the specific circumstances of your accident to determine if you have a legitimate claim to compensation for any injuries sustained or other costs involved such as loss of wages. Contact Abrahamson & Uiterwyk today to book your free case consultation.
