Recent Truck Accident Statistics Reveal Fatal Accidents Are on the Rise
According to a recent study from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, there has been a recent rise in both injuries and fatalities in crashes involving large trucks.
- In 2012, injuries caused by crashes involving large trucks increased by 18 percent from 2011.
- Fatalities caused by crashes involving large trucks over the same time frame rose by 4 percent.
About the NHTSA Large Trucks Study
The study is conducted regularly by the NHTSA and is made available through the administration’s National Center for Statistics and Analysis.
For the purposes of the study, a large truck is defined as a motor vehicle with a gross weight of over 100,000 pounds.
Other Revealing National Truck Accidents Statistics
- Large trucks made up 4 percent of all registered vehicles and 9 percent of the entire road miles traveled in the United States in 2012.
- A significant proportion of trucking fatalities are a result of accidents involving multiple vehicles. In 2012, 81 percent of fatal accidents involving large trucks were multiple-vehicle accidents.
- Out of the 104,000 people killed in large truck accidents in 2012:
- 24 percent were occupying a large truck at the time of accident.
- 73 percent were occupying another vehicle.
- 3 percent were not occupying a vehicle.
Florida Truck Accident Statistics from the Study
According to the study, a total of 3,428 vehicles were involved in fatal crash in Florida in 2012. Out of this total, 194 of these vehicles were large trucks; representing 5.7 percent of all vehicles involved these types of accidents in our state that year.
Have you or a loved one been in injured in a Florida truck accident? Call our injury law team today!
If you’ve been seriously injured, our Tampa truck accident attorneys may be able to bring you legal options into focus. Call our injury law team today at 1-800-538-4878 to get started.