Updated Manatee County Road Accident Stats
PEP indicates a growth rate for Manatee County of 2.66 percent between the years of 2015 and 2017. Numbers are updated every ten years. Within that span, estimates are determined and documented, thus the coinage PEP.
As per figures from the state Census bureau, the number of residents rose exponentially between 2010 and 2016. Then, in 2017 there was a decrease from 2016 of 10008 residents or .78 percent. Focusing on years 2015 to 2017 along with other variables, in particular the implementation of red light cameras, the relation between population and occurrences of road accidents may be considered.
How Much Bearing Do Variations in Population Have on Road Accidents?
The Manatee County population estimate for 2015 was 363,059 residents. For that year, the total vehicle crash figure was 5,722 with 56 total fatalities and 3,901 total injuries, as detailed in Florida’s Integrated Report Exchange System under the aegis of the Florida Department of Highway and Safety Motor Vehicles.
FIRES Crash Breakdown for 2015
¬ *Crash Total: 5,722
¬ *Involving Injuries: 2,573 with a Total of 3,901 Injuries
¬ *With Traffic Fatalities: 53 and a Total of 56 Fatalities
¬ *Involving Commercial Vehicles: 486 and 508 Actual Commercial Vehicles
¬ *Crashes Resulting in Property Damage: 3,096
¬ *Involving Pedestrians: 150 with 19 Pedestrian Fatalities
¬ *Involving Bicycles: 127 with 8 Fatalities
FIRES Crash Breakdown for 2016, Population per PET: 375, 563
¬ *Crash Total: 6,208
¬ *Involving Injuries: 2,820 with a Total of 4,445 Injuries
¬ *With Traffic Fatalities: 68 and a Total of 71 Fatalities
¬ *Involving Commercial Vehicles: 530 and 559 Actual Commercial Vehicles
¬ *Crashes Resulting in Property Damage: 3,320
¬ *Involving Pedestrians: 159 with 12 Pedestrian Fatalities
¬ *Involving Bicycles: 130 with 2 Bicycle Fatalities
FIRES Crash Breakdown for 2017, Population per PET: 385,571
¬ *Crash Total: 5,971
¬ *Involving Injuries: 2,778 with a Total of 4,612
¬ *With Traffic Fatalities: 49 and a Total of 53 Fatalities
¬ *Involving Commercial Vehicles: 561and 603 Actual Commercial Vehicles
¬ *Crashes Resulting in Property Damage: 3,144
¬ *Involving Pedestrians: 147 with 11 Pedestrian Fatalities
¬ *Involving Bicycles: 111 with 2 Bicycle Fatalities
What Impact Did the Implementation of Red Light Cameras (RLC) Make on Road Accidents?
An abstract account of the usage and function of traffic infraction detectors, otherwise known as red light cameras, must be presented each fiscal year by the Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles as called for by Section 316.0083(4) (b) of state statutes. In order to comply, DHSMV created online surveys to garner the pertinent information from each county and municipality as no dedicated statewide supervision for the RLC program exists. Using a database layout, the department could effectively submit the precise number of cameras in operation and their physical placements from the authorized local designees.
The Building and Development Services Division of the Manatee County Government oversees that county’s RLC program. As the jurisdiction’s official survey respondent, the division documented the presence of eight operational RLCs at the start of the reporting period July 1, 2015 with six intersections involved. At the end of the fiscal year, June 30, 2016, the division cited seven intersections relative to nine functioning detectors.
It should be noted that only those state jurisdictions that put RLCs into use between January 2013 and April 2016 were included in this study’s figures.
Other significant factors that affected end totals in these Manatee County, Florida car accident statistics numbers include the exclusion of non-roadway crash data such as parking lots. In addition, the time frames used by DHSMV for evaluation were based on the specific operating properties relative to the individual intersections. The department further acknowledges that latitudes and longitudes were not represented for each intersection.
Fiscal Year 2015-2016 Crash Implications Relative to RLC Placement
¬ *Before RLC Placement: 74
¬ *After RLC Placement: 64
Red Light Running:
¬ *Before RLC Placement: 2
¬ *After RLC Placement: 3
Rear-end Collision:
¬ *Before RLC Placement: 56
¬ After RLC Placement: 52
¬ *Before RLC Placement: 18
¬ *After RLC Placement: 12
For the reporting period of July 1, 2016-June 30, 2017 the authorized respondent department for Manatee County documented nine RCLs involving nine intersections at the period’s start and ten RCLs involving ten intersections at its end.
Fiscal Year 2016-2017 Crash Implications Relative to RLC Placement
¬ *Before RLC Placement: 168
¬ *After RLC Placement: 132
Red Light Running:
¬ *Before RLC Placement: 6
¬ *After RLC Placement: 4
Rear-end Collisions:
¬ *Before RLC Placement: 120
¬ *After RLC Placement: 96
¬ *Before RLC Placement: 48
¬ *After RLC Placement: 36
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