Tips for Taking Good Car Accident Photos

Being involved in a car accident is a stressful and emotional event. It’s important to remain calm and try to gather as much evidence and information as you can. Documenting evidence at the scene can become an important part of any legal case down the road. After a car accident, photos on your phone may be your best bet for preserving evidence. Photos can tell a story that words can’t. Photos can help corroborate your version of events and prevent fabrication by other parties. To take good car accident photos in 2025, make sure that you:

Time and Location Stamp Your Photos

Make sure your phone or camera has a way of documenting the time. Most smartphones are able to do this if you make sure location services are turned on. This will help show exactly where the photo was taken. You can also text the photos to yourself or a loved one to create a record of the time.

Photograph the Scene of the Accident

Take some wide-angle shots of the entire scene. Make sure to get all involved vehicles in the picture. Take pictures of any relevant traffic signals or stop signs. Pictures of street signs can also be helpful. Pictures of skid marks and any debris on the road can also help paint a picture of the scene.

Photograph Injuries

If you or your passengers have visible injuries such as scrapes, bruising, or lacerations make sure to get pictures while awaiting medical attention. These photos will help show the injuries before they are cleaned up by medical personnel. If there is any swelling or further bruising the following day, be sure to take pictures of that as well.

Photograph Damage

Take pictures of the damage sustained by the vehicles involved. Be sure to get wide-angle and close-up shots to give better context to the photos. Super close, out-of-focus, and blurry images are not helpful.

Photograph License Plates and Other Information

Try to photograph all license plates of the vehicles involved. You can also take a photo of the other driver’s license and proof of insurance.

When taking photos at the scene, make sure your flash settings are correct. If it is nighttime, you probably need your flash. But if there are overhead street lamps then a flash may not be necessary. You can check photos instantly with your phone or digital camera so make sure they come out okay before moving on. Don’t be afraid to take dozens of photographs if necessary.

Contact a Trusted Attorney

If you’ve been injured in a car accident, you should consult with a personal injury law firm. Contact the trusted lawyers at Abrahamson & Uiterwyk online or call us at 1-800-538-4878 to schedule your free consultation.